How long do we partner?

Typ­i­cal part­ner­ships with agencies/​schools last 2-3 years. Often the time­frame of part­ner­ships is based on fund­ing sources and guide­lines. Imple­men­ta­tion of the Trau­ma Smart Approach occurs in the first year, sup­port­ing the agency/​school to sus­tain in the fol­low­ing years. In Sus­tain­ing years (after year 1), most agencies/​schools con­tin­ue to part­ner for con­sul­ta­tion services.

Is travel included in the cost?

The cost of Trauma Smart travel to out of area sites or for agency/school staff atten­dance at Acad­e­mies in Kansas City, MO is not includ­ed in the pro­posed services.

When should we reach out?

At least one year in advance of a part­ner­ship is the ide­al time­frame to reach out and begin discussions. However, feel free to reach out as soon as your agency/school is interested in learning more.

How much does this cost?

The cost of Trau­ma Smart ser­vices varies among agencies/​schools due to the size of the agency, the num­ber of staff being trained, request­ed con­sul­ta­tion time, staff trained at Acad­e­mies, mate­ri­als, Trauma Smart trav­el required, etc. To receiv­e an indi­vid­u­al­ized pro­posed cost plan this infor­ma­tion will need to be collected.

What if we already have a Social-Emotional Curriculum (SEC)?

As a pre­ven­tion pro­gram, Trau­ma Smart will not replace your cur­rent Social Emo­tion­al Cur­ricu­lum. Instead, Trau­ma Smart will bring the ​“why” to the use of your SEC. Trau­ma Smart will sup­port your SEC with increas­ing staff aware­ness of its impor­tance with­in the agency/​school.

Who attends staff training?

Trau­ma Smart is designed for care­givers in the edu­ca­tion envi­ron­ment. We rec­og­nize that all staff (teach­ers, para­pro­fes­sion­als, sub­sti­tutes, vol­un­teers, educational specialists, nutritional services, cus­to­di­ans, bus dri­vers, coun­selors, spe­cial­ists, admin­is­tra­tion, etc.) in these envi­ron­ments are care­givers who sup­port chil­dren and fam­i­lies. All staff are encouraged to attend the Trau­ma Smart staff trainings.