Our Story

Trau­ma Smart was devel­oped by the experts at Crit­ten­ton Children’s Cen­ter. Trau­ma Smart was found­ed on evi­dence-based inter­ven­tions rec­og­nized by the U.S. Depart­ment of Health and Human Ser­vices and the Nation­al Child Trau­mat­ic Stress Net­work to be effec­tive in help­ing chil­dren and the adults who care for them address the neg­a­tive impact of vio­lence and trauma.

Over the last 12 years, our program has expand­ed beyond the Kansas City area. We ini­tial­ly served only early childhood programs, but have since expended into elementary, secondary schools, before and after care programs, and organizations that support adults! We are also train­ing schools and agen­cies coast to coast across the coun­try! If you would like to see where our part­ners are, check out our part­ner map!