Center School District staff take on Trauma Smart training

Original Source: KMBC

Staff at Center School District learn how to help children impacted by trauma and violence through a program developed by Saint Luke's Crittenton Children's Center. Watch KMBC's story on the special Trauma Smart training as students head back to school.

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Trauma Smart Supports Shawnee Mission School District’s Impact Institute for Educators

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Trauma Smart manager Britt Visser presented at SMSD's Impact Institute for Educators on the impact of trauma and the role that educators can play in helping children cope and recover. She was one of many speakers to support the even that hosted over 400 educators.

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Trau­ma Smart Pro­gram Changes Approach to Kids Who Act Out

Original Source: News 12 The Bronx

The Admin­is­tra­tion of Chil­dren’s Ser­vices is try­ing what they call a ​“holis­tic” approach to address­ing chil­dren who act out. Ear­lyLearn NYC pro­grams, such as the one taught at Bronx Com­mu­ni­ty Col­lege, pro­vide child care to fam­i­lies in the city, but the ​“Trau­ma Smart” pro­gram includes emo­tion­al education.

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NYC Learn­ing Pro­gram Changes Class­room Behavior

Original Source: NBC New York 4

A city pro­gram called Trau­ma SMART, launched three years ago, is work­ing like mag­ic to help par­ents, care­givers and teach­ers bet­ter sup­port chil­dren who may expe­ri­ence adversity.

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3 Hick­man Mills Stu­dents Were Shot and Killed This Year. How Will the Com­mu­ni­ty Respond?

Original Source: The Kansas City Star

Five stu­dents in the Hick­man Mills School Dis­trict have been fatal­ly shot or injured by gun­fire since 2016.

At least three stu­dents were shot and killed this year alone, includ­ing 9 year old Dominic Young Jr. On Dec. 4, 16-year-old Mar­quise Ellinburg was found with gun­shot wounds out­side a home on Cor­ring­ton Avenue. He lat­er died at a hospital.

Vio­lence has tak­en a seri­ous toll on the Hick­man Mills School Dis­trict. But the trau­ma affects the entire com­mu­ni­ty. School offi­cials can only do so much to sup­port stu­dents and their fam­i­lies. It takes a broad-based effort to deal with the far-reach­ing con­se­quences of vio­lent crime.

School dis­trict offi­cials have imple­ment­ed ser­vices to address trau­ma and con­flict res­o­lu­tion in an effort to help stu­dents cope with the loss of a class­mate or fam­i­ly mem­ber and pre­vent future violence.

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Preschool Trau­ma Pro­gram In Kansas City Get­ting Nation­al Attention

Original Source: KCUR-FM

A pro­gram start­ed in Kansas City, Kan., offers teach­ers and par­ents an alter­nate way to deal with intense emo­tions and poten­tial­ly avoid the long-term impact of trau­ma. The pro­gram has been spread­ing in recent months, even get­ting nation­al attention.

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Teach­ing Chil­dren to Calm Themselves

Original Source: New York Times

When Luke gets angry, he tries to remem­ber to look at his bracelet. It reminds him of what he can do to calm him­self: stop, take a deep breath, count to four, give your­self a hug and, if nec­es­sary, ask an adult for help.

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School Pro­gram Works to Help Kids in Kansas and Mis­souri Deal with Home Trauma

Original Source: KMBC-TV

A school pro­gram that helps young chil­dren who have expe­ri­enced trau­mat­ic events is get­ting nation­al attention.

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Giv­ing Trau­ma­tized Kids a Head Start in Healing

Original Source: PBS New­sHour

Every year, thou­sands of chil­dren in the U.S. are expelled from school before they reach Kinder­garten. Spe­cial cor­re­spon­dent Mol­ly Knight Raskin reports on a pro­gram in Kansas City, Mis­souri, that’s try­ing to stem the trend by look­ing beyond the class­room to the issues these chil­dren face at home – and help­ing them to feel safe.

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KC’s Trau­ma Smart Pro­gram Rec­og­nized Nation­al­ly for Help­ing Young Children

Original Source: WDAF-TV

The fed­er­al agency that focus­es on men­tal health rec­og­nized Trau­ma Smart, the pro­gram that helps pre-school kids who’ve already had bad expe­ri­ences in life.

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The Way to Be Sure That Your Kinder­gart­ner Will Be a Suc­cess­ful Adult

Original Source: WDAF-TV

Share. Play fair. Say you’re sor­ry. Those of just some of the things you may have learned in kinder­garten or before.

New research shows your child’s social and emo­tion­al skills in kinder­garten are a strong pre­dic­tor of suc­cess in ear­ly adulthood.

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New Ini­tia­tive Will Train City Work­ers to Help Chil­dren Who Have Suf­fered Trau­mat­ic Events

Original Source: NY1

The city’s first lady launched a new ini­tia­tive Sat­ur­day help­ing teach­ers and care­givers help chil­dren deal­ing with trau­ma — it will train thou­sands of ear­ly child­hood teach­ers and staff mem­bers on how to help kids deal with trauma.

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