Giv­ing Trau­ma­tized Kids a Head Start in Healing

Original Source: PBS New­sHour

Every year, thou­sands of chil­dren in the U.S. are expelled from school before they reach Kinder­garten. Spe­cial cor­re­spon­dent Mol­ly Knight Raskin reports on a pro­gram in Kansas City, Mis­souri, that’s try­ing to stem the trend by look­ing beyond the class­room to the issues these chil­dren face at home – and help­ing them to feel safe.

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KC’s Trau­ma Smart Pro­gram Rec­og­nized Nation­al­ly for Help­ing Young Children

Original Source: WDAF-TV

The fed­er­al agency that focus­es on men­tal health rec­og­nized Trau­ma Smart, the pro­gram that helps pre-school kids who’ve already had bad expe­ri­ences in life.

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The Way to Be Sure That Your Kinder­gart­ner Will Be a Suc­cess­ful Adult

Original Source: WDAF-TV

Share. Play fair. Say you’re sor­ry. Those of just some of the things you may have learned in kinder­garten or before.

New research shows your child’s social and emo­tion­al skills in kinder­garten are a strong pre­dic­tor of suc­cess in ear­ly adulthood.

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New Ini­tia­tive Will Train City Work­ers to Help Chil­dren Who Have Suf­fered Trau­mat­ic Events

Original Source: NY1

The city’s first lady launched a new ini­tia­tive Sat­ur­day help­ing teach­ers and care­givers help chil­dren deal­ing with trau­ma — it will train thou­sands of ear­ly child­hood teach­ers and staff mem­bers on how to help kids deal with trauma.

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Mayor’s Wife Helps Launch New Kids’ Pro­gram in the Bronx

Original Source: Bronx News 12

The first lady of New York City was in the Bronx Sat­ur­day to announce the launch of a new pro­gram designed to help chil­dren fac­ing seri­ous adversity.

Lan­zan Pro­gra­ma De Apoyo a NiñOs en Situa­ciones De Adversidad

Original Source: El Diario NY

Unos 40,000 niños neoy­orquinos serán ben­e­fi­ci­a­dos del pro­gra­ma Trau­ma Smart, una nue­va ini­cia­ti­va que será admin­istra­da por la Admin­is­tración de Ser­vi­cios Infan­tiles (ACS) para ayu­dar a los padres, provee­dores de cuida­do infan­til y mae­stros a apo­yar a los niños que exper­i­men­tan situa­ciones de adversidad.

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Launch Sup­port Pro­gram for Chil­dren in Sit­u­a­tions of Adver­si­ty (Trans­lat­ed from Spanish)

Original Source: El Diario NY

Some 40,000 New York City chil­dren will ben­e­fit from Trau­ma Smart pro­gram, a new ini­tia­tive that will be admin­is­tered by the Admin­is­tra­tion for Chil­dren’s Ser­vices (ACS) to help par­ents, child care providers and teach­ers to sup­port chil­dren who expe­ri­ence adverse situations.

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Starfish Wants to Help Chil­dren Heal from Trau­ma, Improve Learning

Original Source: Detroit Free Press

Fol­low­ing a trend that state offi­cials are call­ing the need­ed wave of future care, Starfish will be the first agency in Michi­gan to adopt Trau­ma Smart, a com­pre­hen­sive train­ing pro­gram that allows teach­ers and ther­a­pists to help chil­dren heal from any num­ber of trau­mat­ic expe­ri­ences that could include being assault­ed, see­ing a fam­i­ly mem­ber killed, or being abused or neglect­ed — all things that neg­a­tive­ly affect children’s abil­i­ty to learn or become emo­tion­al­ly strong. And it now oper­ates the largest infant men­tal health pro­gram in the country.

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Col­lab­o­rat­ing to Address the Impact of Trau­ma on Chil­dren and Families

Original Source: Com­mu­ni­ty Foun­da­tion for South­east Michigan

Chil­dren in Head Start have a high­er expo­sure rate to trau­ma than oth­er children.

Through its part­ner­ship with Trau­ma Smart, MCA and OLH­SA have pro­vid­ed onsite train­ing and coach­ing sup­port reg­u­lar­ly through­out the year.

Local Head Start Imple­ment­ing Trau­ma Smart Program

Original Source: Ozark Radio News

Ozark Action Head Start is col­lab­o­rat­ing with Crit­ten­ton Children’s Cen­ter in Kansas City to bring the inno­v­a­tive Trau­ma Smart mod­el to the six coun­ty area.

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How Can Schools Pre­vent Threats of Vio­lence? Here’s One Idea.

Original Source: The Kansas City Star

With effec­tive laws already on the books to address school safe­ty, it’s going to take cre­ative solu­tions to rem­e­dy the onslaught of recent threats of school violence.

Expand­ing access to men­tal health ser­vices could be a start.

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Pro­gram Helps Chil­dren Cope with Trauma

Original Source: West Plains Dai­ly Quill

An avant-garde pro­gram with Kansas City roots has tak­en up ground with Ozark Action to pro­vide sup­port for chil­dren sur­viv­ing trau­mat­ic experiences.

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