Journalists across the nation have noticed the positive impact that Trauma Smart can bring to their communities.
Helping Young Children Who Have Experienced Trauma: Policies and Strategies for Early Care and Education
Original Source: Child Trends
Trauma Smart (TS) is an early education/mental health partnership designed for schools. The goals of TS are to reduce the stress of chronic trauma, support children’s social and cognitive development, and develop an integrated, trauma-informed culture for young children, parents, and staff. TS includes training, classroom consultation, intensive evidence-based clinical treatment, and peer mentoring of teachers.
Read MoreBuilding Strong Foundations Infant Mental Health Consultation: A Wise Investment of CCDBG Dollars
Original Source: Build Initiative
I recently spent a day visiting with Early Head Start (EHS) teachers and infant early childhood mental health (IECMH) clinicians at Starfish Family Services in Inkster, Michigan, just outside of Detroit. I was there to learn how the 55-year-old organization integrates IECMH consultation into each of its early learning classrooms, which serve children between the ages of six weeks to five years old.