Ongoing evaluation allows Trauma Smart to ensure it provides data-driven programming.
As our results come in, we analyze the outcome data to truly understand what it means.
Attitudes Related to Trauma-Informed Care
(ARTIC) 2021-2022
Attitudes related to trauma informed care improved in all seven subscales and overall for agencies and schools implementing Trauma Smart during the 2021 – 2022 school/program year.
Researchers conducted paired-samples t‑tests to determine if the difference between mean pretest and posttest ARTIC scores was statistically significant for the participants who had individual identifiers.
For all seven subscales and the overall, ARTIC pretest to posttest increases were statistically significant (p<.05). For more information about the ARTIC and subscales, please see “How to Use the ARTIC”
Trauma Smart Program Feedback
The Trauma Smart Program Feedback form included both quantitative and qualitative information. Feedback was collected after Module 1, Module 5, and Module 10 during the implementation year, and after the completion of a sustaining year of Trauma Smart. Data collected during the 2020-2021 school/program year showed the majority of program participants agreed (4 on a 1 to 5 scale) or strongly agreed (5 on a 1 to 5 scale) that Trauma Smart was supporting their practice and their professional growth. Overall, participants agreed or strongly agreed with being satisfied with the Trauma Smart Training.
Performance Across 10 CLASS Domains 2013 - 2015
Early in our program development, Trauma Smart measured success using outcomes from the CLASS (Classroom Assessment Scoring System) with our early learning partnership classrooms. The results below show improvement each year in classroom environment for schools implementing Trauma Smart. The following articles explain our findings and their benefit to schools:
- A Model for Creating a Supportive Trauma-Informed Culture for Children in Preschool Settings (Published in the Journal of Child and Family Studies)
- Creating Trauma-Informed Schools
- An Evaluation of Trauma Smart® in Three Community Head Start Programs and three Elementary Schools: Annual Expansion Report
In addition to data outcomes, Trauma Smart measures its success by the observable shifts in the organization. To read about some of those successes, visit our In the News page.