Help­ing Young Chil­dren Who Have Expe­ri­enced Trau­ma: Poli­cies and Strate­gies for Ear­ly Care and Education

Original Source: Child Trends

Trau­ma Smart (TS) is an ear­ly education/​mental health part­ner­ship designed for schools. The goals of TS are to reduce the stress of chron­ic trau­ma, sup­port children’s social and cog­ni­tive devel­op­ment, and devel­op an inte­grat­ed, trau­ma-informed cul­ture for young chil­dren, par­ents, and staff. TS includes train­ing, class­room con­sul­ta­tion, inten­sive evi­dence-based clin­i­cal treat­ment, and peer men­tor­ing of teachers.

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Build­ing Strong Foun­da­tions Infant Men­tal Health Con­sul­ta­tion: A Wise Invest­ment of CCD­BG Dollars

Original Source: Build Ini­tia­tive

I recent­ly spent a day vis­it­ing with Ear­ly Head Start (EHS) teach­ers and infant ear­ly child­hood men­tal health (IECMH) clin­i­cians at Starfish Fam­i­ly Ser­vices in Inkster, Michi­gan, just out­side of Detroit. I was there to learn how the 55-year-old orga­ni­za­tion inte­grates IECMH con­sul­ta­tion into each of its ear­ly learn­ing class­rooms, which serve chil­dren between the ages of six weeks to five years old.